Google vs. Yahoo
Some quick numbers on the financials of Google and Yahoo!
Sales (USD M) Market Cap Net income (USD M) Net Profit Margin
Google 6,138 101, 467 1,465 23,87%
Yahoo 5,257 46,421 1,896 33,77%
It interesting to see how Google has 29% less Net income than Yahoo and Google's market cap is 1,18 times bigger.
Definately investors are expecting and demanding higher growth rates from Google. Yahoo which was in the past the e-star, seems to be now lagging behing Google. Yahoo's Net Profit Margin is the highest among the comparable companies. So while Yahoo is still a good business, and Google is setting high expectations but yet it is to soon to judge. The truth is that they are constantly bring news to the market...
I would like to further explain the difference in the market caps. I am doing some research and posting it later
Source: Factiva.
Technorati Tags: yahoo google
Sales (USD M) Market Cap Net income (USD M) Net Profit Margin
Google 6,138 101, 467 1,465 23,87%
Yahoo 5,257 46,421 1,896 33,77%
It interesting to see how Google has 29% less Net income than Yahoo and Google's market cap is 1,18 times bigger.
Definately investors are expecting and demanding higher growth rates from Google. Yahoo which was in the past the e-star, seems to be now lagging behing Google. Yahoo's Net Profit Margin is the highest among the comparable companies. So while Yahoo is still a good business, and Google is setting high expectations but yet it is to soon to judge. The truth is that they are constantly bring news to the market...
I would like to further explain the difference in the market caps. I am doing some research and posting it later
Source: Factiva.
Technorati Tags: yahoo google
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